Title: BodyMindIntelligence.com, body Heart Consciousness
Description: Body Heart Consciousness, professional training in bodymind oriented therapy and personal growth, http://bodymindintelligence.com/index.html
Title: Ultrafeel TV - Feast your eyes on the world's most enchanting art tv channel
Description: ultrafeel TV is a lean-back tv- and online-channel which broadcasts the world's most beautiful art. It includes mesmerizing and classic art such as photography, videos, slides-shows and music for people who love high-class beauty.
Title: Body Intelligence | Alexander Technique in Wilmington, Delaware with Imogen Ragone
Description: Alexander Technique in Wilmington, Delaware with teacher, Imogen Ragone. Release tension, prevent pain and improve body mechanics using the Alexander Technique. Learn how your body and mind can work together to develop ease, poise and efficiency of movem
Description: The BodyTalk system of healthcare is a new exciting approach to regaining and maintaining optimum health. The practitioner accesses the innate wisdom which resides within each of us. Wholistic,affordable, effective healthcare.