Title: e-gold
Description: e-gold is the only tangibly backed, worldwide electronic monetary/payments system. e-gold is 100% backed by physical gold (silver, platinum, palladium)
Keywords:gold, silver, platinum, palladium, oz, e-gold, exchange rates, currency, payment system, money substitute, banking, money, dollar, yen, Y2K, negotiable, fiduciary, bailee, bailment, e-metal, fungible, tangible, legal tender, electronic money, cash,
... (View More)
coins, bullion, precious metals, fiat money, fiat currency, exchange, investment, agio, credit cards, savings, merchant, market, stock market crash, pay, internet commerce, interest, physical gold, fort knox, e-silver, CyberMetal, DigiGold, G&SR, Gold & Silver Reserve, online banking, redemption, negotiable, electronic cash, gold standard, transnational, loans, bailment, bank note, deposit, deposit insurance, checking, financial intermediation, fractional reserve banking, indirect exchange, medium of exchange, payment, payments system, specie, monetary, debt, 1929, Great Depression, Year 2000, credit inflation, Austrian economics, free banking, central banking, currency board, shopping cart, currency exchange, prices, economy, financial, divisible, sterling(View Less)