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Google search volume for "ipr"

Website results for "ipr"

 221 websites found

#75,498 (+75%) -
Title: Sponsored by Gesmer Updegrove LLP
Description: Since 1988, Lucash, Gesmer & Updegrove has represented over 45 promotional and standard setting consortia, including many of the largest high technology consortia in the world. In the process, the firm has acquired a great depth of knowledge in how to st
#336,814 (-13%) -
Title: Intellectual Property Watch
Description: Intellectual Property Watch provides independent news, features and analysis on international IP policymaking such as trade, health, digital rights, biodiversity and access to knowledge.

Not available.
#227,790 (-8%) -
Title: Patently-O, the nation's leading patent law blog
Description: The nation's leading patent law blog
#285,610 (+1%) -
Title: SEO Beratung und Suchmaschinenoptimierung –
Description: SEO Beratung - Professionelle Beratung zum Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung und Suchmaschinenmarketing erhalten Sie durch unsere SEO Berater von Webspurt
#360,956 (-11%) -
Title: Internet und Recht
Description: Alles zum Thema Internet und Recht: Funktion und Dienste des Internet, Begriffe, Domainrecht, Urheberrecht, Markenrecht, E-Commerce, Auskunftspflichten und Haftung der Diensteanbieter und viele Gesetze und Entscheidungen
#1,273,287 (+16%) -
Title: QIAO LAB Business Incubator Shanghai
Description: 桥 - Qiao LAB - Business Incubator High-tech Shanghai China, Hong Kong, Italian Center, Knowledge & Technology Transfer, Innovation, Inventions, High Tech, Green Economy, Against Poverty, Intellectual Property, Cina New Project, transfer, Innovation, Ve
#755,867 (-6%) -
Title: Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council
Description: Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council, Set up by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt of India
#793,614 (+59%) -
Title: Завод электротехнического оборудования: БКТП, КТПН, НКУ, распределит�
Description: Элтехника - Производство электрооборудования: трансформаторные подстанции, ячейки КСО, КРМ, НКУ, выключатели нагрузки