Title: Xtreme Visual Basic Talk | Forum & Discussions
Description: XVBT is an interactive discussion forum for Visual Basic programmers. Topics include game programming, DirectX, COM, .NET, and API. To visit the forum, go to http://www.xtremevbtalk.com/ .
Title: La grande libreria tecnica online: Gorilla.it migliaia di libri in un click
Description: Gorilla.it, la libreria online. Manuali di informatica, libri universitari, libri di testo, software, hardware e dvd, a prezzo scontati e convenienti.
Description: Blog von Kay Giza: Neues von und über Microsoft-, -Produkte und -Technologien, MSDN, Community und 'cool new things' für Entwickler und alle Interessierten...
Description: Taking the journalism to the extreme core with WinSpark.net, exclusively devoted to tech thoughts on various Microsoft technology products, software reviews, how to