Title: HAVI Logistics The Global Lead Logistics Provider -default
Description: HAVI Logistics is "The Global Lead Logistics Provider" for food and non-food logistics. We handle all services throughout the supply chain and create genuine added value for our customers through our excellent and holistic logistics solutions...
Keywords:Lead Logistics Provider, Lead Logistics, Global Lead Logistics Provider, One stop shopping, Wholesale, Foreign trading, Freight Manager, Freight Management, Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Manager, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Integrator, Forecasting, Trucking, Food, refrigerated, temperature controlled, Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Points, HACCP, Logistics-Integrator, Tailor-made logistics, Distribution,
... (View More)
Promotion management, Alpha Group, HAVI, Havi, HAVI Logistics, Havi Logistics, Havi Global Logistics, McDonald's, Rimi, Food-service-industry, Food service industry, FSL, all in one, a:ll in one, Luca Gnecco, Christoph Thünemann, Christoph Thuenemann, Shared Service Center, Employer branding, Environmental protection, Its easy to be green, Alpha Management, Alpha IS, AlphaSoft, Adrilog, Baldis, Baldis Estonia, Bullog, Ceslog, Danlog, DC Bens, HLS, Hungarorak, IPLPerseco, ISIS, Italog, LINK, Loginor, Logislita, Logpol, MLS, MLS B.V., MLS BVBA, Romdis, Rulog, Scandlog, SDL, Serlog, STI, S.T.I., S.T.I. (D), STI (D), S.T.I. (H), STI (H), S.T.I. (I), STI (I), S.T.I. (S), STI (S), Uspot, WLS, Yutral(View Less)