Title: (JMO) Junior military officer recruiting/employment agency
Description: Junior military officer recruiting agency. National Recruiting firm that specializes is placing top tier Junior Military Officers (JMO) with Fortune 500 corporations.
Title: Proven Job Search Results: College, Military, Biz Professionals | Frank Shines
Description: Get high pay jobs in half the time. Proven job results for college, former military, seasoned professionals with tools, templates, webinar. Frank Shines
Title: Military Transition Jobs for Retired Military Veterans including JMO Recruiting from Soar Consulting, Inc.
Description: Member only service helping retired military veterans and junior military officers transition from a military career to a civilian career, includes a job search, informative blog and tips on transitioning from military to civilian.
Description: The Friant family in Eastern North Carolina. Visit Crystal's Kitchen and the jModule, see the picure galleries, and read the news on the family.