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Google search volume for "studivz"

Website results for "studivz"

 13 websites found

#191,637 (+152%) -
Title: | Das Blog über StudiVZ, SchülerVZ und MeinVZ
#112,989 (+61%) -
Title: Social Games Observer | Bringing you the latest news on the social games market in Europe and beyond
Description: Social Games Observer - Bringing you the latest news on the social games market in Europe and beyond. We keep track of the convergence of social platforms and social games and apps.
#555,936 (-49%) -
Title: - Lustige und peinliche Statusmeldungen, Eintr�ge und Spr�che aus Facebook, StudiVz, Wer-Kennt-Wen, Twitter, ...
#194,278 (+55%) -
Title: Lustige und verrückte Gruppen, Status -und Neuigkeitsmeldungen eurer Sozial-Communities | lustige Sprüche und Zitate| Faceboo
Description: Lustige Statusmeldungen, lustige Gruppen, Nervige Neuigkeitsmeldungen von Facbeook, Twitter, StudiVZ & Co

Not available.
#2,840,486 (+53%) -
Title: CCube - Social Media Analytics, Monitoring, Social CRM
Description: C-Cube
Keywords:gestione della reputazione, reputazione aziendale, web reputation, online reputation, orm, marchio registrato, contraffazione, cattive recensioni, diffamazione, propriet‡ intellettuale, fare sparire commenti dal web, difesa del marchio, Enterprise 2.0, web 2.0, Social Network Analysis, hr 2.0, authoritylabs, alterian, biz360/attensity360, backtrack, backtype, boardreader, brandwatch, Google alerts, knowem,
... (View More)
omgili, radian6, scoutlabs, Socialmention, sysomos, tinker, trackur, tweetbeep, tweetmeme analytics, whostalkin, Nielsen Buzzmetrics, Techrigy SM2, Onalytica, Visible, cambiamento e innovazione, politiche di sicurezza, politiche del territorio, previsione di fenomeni complessi, sicurezza territoriale, sistemi predittivi, sicurezza stradale, risparmio energetico, politica urbanistica, analisi dei fenomeni criminali, Analisi ambientale, riconoscimento facciale, face tracker, intrusion detection, sicurezza perimetrale, sicurezza biometrica, social bookmarking, informal networks, Community Management, Document Management, blogcatalog, technorati, FriendFeed, NutshellMail, Blogger, Wordpress, Expressionengine, Wikipedia, Opendiary, Newsgroups, Vox, Yahoo answers, Xanga, knol, Pbworks, VoiceThread, Wetpaint, Flickr, Askville, Google Answers, Twitter, ciao, bing, plaxo, google, jigsaw, mylife/reunion, spoke, wink, yahoo, Facebook, Linkedin, Eventful, MySpace, Upcoming, Digg, YouTube, Windows Live, netvibes, SmugMug, Zooomr, Livejournal, Fmylife, jaiku, plurk, Typepad, crunchbase, Photobucket, yammer, brightkite, ccMixter, Google Maps, pandora, ShareTheMusic, The Hype Machine, Amazon, tumblr, customerlobby, epinions, google sidewiki, mouthshut,, yelp, tripadvisor, Delicious, Google Reader, CiteULike, Reddit, WikiAnswers, Google Docs, scribd, asmallworld, bebo, bigtent, classmates, elgg, slideshare, Meetup,, deviantArt, Picasa, mybloglog, posterous, Stumbleupon, ning, Yahoo bookmarks, qzone, renren, skyrock, studivz, vkontakte(View Less)
#14,141,818 (-46%) -
Title: Mitchell and Mocca eShop
Description: Die neue Lifestyle-Marke. Beste Qualität und lässige Styles für Boys und Girls.

Not available.
#1,344,297 (-31%) -
Title: Culcha Candela - offizielle Homepage | "VON ALLEIN" Jetzt im Handel und als Download! | © Universal Music GmbH
Description: Culcha Candela "FLÄTRATE" das neue Album jetzt im Handel und als Download! "FLÄTRATE" gibt es bei MediaMarkt mit "Hands Up" als Bonus-Track (nur Download).
#2,640,209 (-48%) -
Description: Teile lustige und interessante Geschichten mit deinen Freunden in sozialen Netzwerken. In Echtzeit und immer mit Entdeckungsgarantie!