#7,790,121 (-20%) - tap.tv
Title: TAP.tv - World Leader in Private TV Networks
Description: TAP.tv uses proprietary hybrid IP/TV technologies to bring custom television networks to commercial venues.
Keywords:TAP.tv, TAP, TV, Custom Advertising, Custom TV Network, Bar TV Network, Custom TV Programming, Custom Ad Management, Custom Ad Content, Custom Ad Creation, Sports Bars TV, Sports Bars Televisions, Chicago Sports Bars, Chicago Sports Bar TVs, Chicago TV Networks, Switching between network programming, IP-based TV content, Mothership, MFC Controller, TAP.tvs Pilot, TAP.tvs AdManager, TAP.tvs Touchscreen, Touchscreen TVs, Touchscreen TVs in Doctors Offices, Touchscreen TVs in Dentists Offices,
... (View More)
Video Switch, Custom Video Swtichers, Livebar.net, Private Television Networks, Custom Cable TV Headends, In Pub Advertising, In Pub Video Ads, Bar Video Ads, In Bar Advertising, Bar Advertising, Custom Bar Advertising, Electronic Maatrix Switch, Out-of-home digital network, Dental TV Network, Medical TV Network, Rapid Transit TV Network, Golf/Country Clu TV Network, Bar Advertising Networks, Dental Advertising Networks, Medical Advertising Networks, Rapid Transit Advertising Networks, Golf/Country Club Advertising Network(View Less)