Title: B Street & Vine
Description: B Street and Vine, a wine cafe,located in Downtown San Mateo at 320 S B Street between 3rd and 4th. Our phone number is 650-347-8463. We are open seven days a week, Sunday 4pm-9pm, Monday 11:30-8pm, Tuesday 11:30-9pm, Wednesday through Saturday 11:30-10p
Keywords:Patio Dining, Live Music, Downtown San Mateo Live Music Schedule is Wedne, panini, bruschetta, soups, salads, desserts, non alcoholic beverages, wine and assorted beers by the tap and bottle, Scheduled music, reservations, private parties, wine tastings and catering events, B Street and Vine, Winecafe, winebar, DSMA, Downtown San Mateo, jazz and san mateo, music and san mateo, wine and san mateo